The Dead Man Is to Blame – Mortul e de vină! a Romanian saying that is used too often to describe a very harsh truth about the ignorance of society, choosing always the easy way out when a tragedy happens, to blame the dead, because he can’t defend himself, while the society chooses not to see. What other harsher sentence can there be?
Some Romanian sayings can be like a fire whip, slamming the truth in the face with any gentleness. I believe this hold for so long the backbone of society, with honor, respect, and dignity.
My new series Romanian Sayings Served Up on a Plate is an artistic metaphor that emphasizes the knowledge of Romanian sayings and proverbs gathered from the wisdom of the people, with the new reality created through manipulated truth and lies, we are served up on a plate.
While we are witnessing the creation of a mind prison, build on fear and hate, we dare to cling blindly to ancestral teaching, and not through wars and violence, but through peace, love, and faith.
“The world will end when the love between people will perish.” I strongly believe in the good of people and that we were made from love, to find infinite love. This is the creating energy that rules the world.
All Rights Reserved 2023 DACIANA LIPAI © – The Dead Man Is to Blame – Romanian Sayings Served Up on a Plate
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Lots of love, Daciana